Preparing you for combat, faster!
Phone Nr: +45 53 77 75 53
Address: Tuborgvej 198
Copenhagen NV. 2400 Denmark
CVR/ Tax Number: 43555227
Reinvention and redesign start in the boardroom. We work with executive level to redesign the company strategy, in line with EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and UN’s 2030 agenda for sustainable development. A 5-year Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) transformational roadmap is then designed outlining essential elements to be carbon neutral and contribute to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
We offer:
Putting a 100-day implementation plan to action is equally important. We provide project management expertise to help get started, implementing the company’s 2030 strategy and roadmap that would help achieve their sustainable goals. Business change and training are close to our heart and will be included in the execution plan.
We Offer:
Coming Soon: Data to Dashboard ESG representation platform by Q4 2023.
In collaboration with UNESCO’s Office for Climate Education and TeachSDGs organisation, we impart knowledge in schools and kindergartens to bring awareness and empower them with skills, values and attitudes needed to act as agents of change.
Teaching programmes and workshops are tailored to school needs.
Coming soon: We are in the process of publishing books targeting 3 age groups which focuses on nature and recognises elements of its biodiversity that makes Tuffy, the French mini poodle thrive and enjoy, join his siblings for morning walks and start learning about the Anthropocene. The siblings start going to school and learn about the 17 SDGs. They then start to practice their climate action learnings wherever they go and all three become agents of change, inspiring others to join the race to combat climate change.
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Learning is more fun when it is out in nature. We organise awareness camps in summer where we talk about biodiversity conservation, our bio-degradable or regenerative consumption habits and how we should preserve the beauty of nature, for humans and the Anthropocene.
Camps are single day and split as per age groups.
By 2050, there will probably be more plastic in the ocean than marine life.” – World Economic Forum
Coming Soon – Regenerative research with university research fellows to create products for use in the container shipping industry using recovered plastic from our oceans. The invented products should be recyclable and live the principles of SDG #14 ‘Life below water’, thereby replacing existing products that impact our oceans and marine life.